映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


2020年4月以降、ロックダウンの間、私は日本の陸前高田について書いた映画の脚本を発展させていました。それは、2013年、2014年、2016年、2019年にAIRレジデントとして陸前高田市に滞在した際のリサーチと深い体験に基づき、2019年から展開しているプロジェクトです。フィリピンの有名な脚本家であり、数々の賞を受賞しているリッキー・リー氏の指導のもと、脚本ワークショップの下で物語の創作を始めました。 ロックダウン中は、フィリピン、ウィーン、カナダ、日本のクリエイティブな人たちと一緒に、オンラインの脚本クラスに参加しました。ワークショップは2020年7月に終了しましたが、日沼禎子さんから、陸前高田市とKESENエリアに関連して、2020年11月から2021年2月の間に行われる別の交流の機会に参加しないかと誘われ、私は興奮しました。

KESEN AIRは希望に満ちており、日本とフィリピンの双方の観客につながるような脚本を再構築できる可能性、道を開いてくれました。このプログラムは、私たちが知っている通常のアーティスト・イン・レジデンス・プログラムとは異なるアプローチをとっています。概念的な意味での交流は、オンライン上でのミーティング、ディスカッションに限定されています。しかし、オンラインでの交流で最も重要なのは、「アイデアへのアクセシビリティ」であり、アイデアは、時間、空間の距離に関わらず、私たちの手の届くところにあります。KESEN AIRは、私が書いているストーリーに関連して、それが日本の観客にとってどれだけ関連性があり、親しみやすいものであるかについて脚本を参照しながら、意見、コメント、提案を交換しあう方法を与えてくれました。映画が製作されれば、日本、特に陸前高田市で公開されることを考えています。



Salamato Gosaimasupo! ありがとうございました!

The keyword here is accessibility.

Since April 2020, during the lockdown I was developing a script for a Film I specifically wrote for Rikuzentakata, Japan. It is a project that I have been developing since 2019 in relation to my previous research and immersion as an artist in residence in Rikuzentakata in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2019. I started developing the story through a Script Writing Workshop with the mentorship of a renowned and award winning scriptwriter in the Philippines, Ricky Lee. I attended the online script writing class during the quarantine together with several creative individuals in the Philippines, Vienna, Canada and Japan. The Workshop ended in July of 2020 and I was excited when Teiko Hinuma invited me to be part of another exchange opportunity in connection to Rikuzentakata and the KESEN Area, this time around November of 2020 to February of 2021.

The KESEN AIR was hopeful and paved a way for me to reconstruct the script that can connect to both Japanese and Filipino audiences. It has a different approach unlike the usual Artist-in Residence program that we all know. The concept of exchange is limited to online engagements, meetings and discussions. But the most important part in online exchanges are the accessibility of ideas, and these ideas are within our reach despite distance in space and time. KESEN AIR gave me a way to consult my script and seek opinions, comments and suggestions in relation to the story I am writing and how relevant and relatable it can be for the Japanese Audience. Thinking that the film, once produced, will be premiered in Japan, specifically Rikuzentakata City.

The approach was to hold several meetings and discuss details of the script including understanding the characters, the scenes and the locations. An online tour was arranged to revisit places in Rikuzentakata with the hope of understanding the current situation of the city. This method helped me feel that I was back there, that my mind flows through the memories of the place and it passes through the scenes I am thinking, that despite doing this residency remotely from the confines of my own space here in Manila and considering that I am an hour behind Japan due to the time difference, KESEN AIR made it possible for me to be there.

Salamato Gosaimasupo! (This means“thank you very much”in Tagalog)

映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)
映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)



映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)

KONO BASHO(This Place)

KONO BASHO(この場所) "This Place "は、


KONO BASHO or This Place also plays with the idea of “DISPLACEMENT,” an idea of being moved from one point to another, and is about a Filipino son who will attend the funeral of his father who left him in the Philippines 20 years ago to work and find an opportunity in Japan to provide for his Family.
In relation to RIKUZENTAKATA, Displacement is about the changes to the whole city caused by the tsunami and in relation to me as an artist, it is about my continued journey in Tohoku, Japan since 2010.

The concept of my story revolves around the idea of a relationship that was broken and will be restored in a city that is also being rebuilt.

映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)
映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)
映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)




1_INT: Shinkansen
(Errol 27yo). Day.

Emmanuel Rolando Bautista Jr. or Errol, a 27yr old Filipino Dentist is inside a Shinkansen (Bullet Train) on his way to Ichinoseki Station, where his Auntie Emily and Auntie Emma will be picking him up. He is eating an apple, listening to his spotify playlist as he looks outside the window of the fast moving train. Everything becomes blurred as images and sound interweaves changing from the Japanese houses he sees outside as the train moves, to the heavy traffic in Manila, to a childhood memory of him playing with his father, to the busy streets of Tokyo, to the colorful lined-up vending machines in Disney Land, changing to the different TV programs in Manila talking about Overseas Filipino Worker Nurses living and working abroad. A memory of his mother crying in her bedroom, a memory of his graduation wherein he is looking for someone in the crowd, a memory of his mother crying, the sound of Japanese people talking, his Auntie Emily smoking, a memory of his first kiss, his Auntie Emily serving food to his Japanese Husband, a voice saying “see you soon, Errol” as it morphs into a weird Japanese song he cannot understand and then to a wedding song of his mother and step dad Ben, to a muffled sound of his father… another bite from the apple, a window view in their house in Manila as as silhouette of a man waves goodbye. Now we are back to the view from the fast moving train. Back to where we see Errol seated inside the Shinkansen, looking outside, listening to his spotify playlist, back to where we see several Japanese people waiting for the train to reach their destination.




20_EXT: Day/ Kesen River

Reina and Errol got out the car and stood in front of a river. Reina kept apologizing while wiping her tears with her jacket. Errol offered his handkerchief. Both of them just stood beside the river for a while not saying anything. Then Errol noticed a Salmon Fish floating on the riverside. To break the silence, Errol asked Reina about the fish.
Reina said that her mother once told her the story about salmon swimming across the river trying to get back to their place of birth. It is important for a salmon fish to return before their death, to reconnect with their past.
But the journey is difficult and most of the salmon fish never make it back. Reina returned the handkerchief but Errol insisted for Reina to keep it for now. Errol asked Reina about her mother. Reina just looked at the water and then started to go back to the car where Errol followed.




Reina took Errol in the Takata Castle Ground and showed him the developing city of Rikuzentakata.
She told him that despite the rage of the sea that day of the tsunami, people here have always been hopeful. That the city is not about the Tsunami but about the people who live and breathe in each part of her hometown. Both of them are now in front of the Shrine, bowing their heads, clapping their hands as they close their eyes and pray.
Here we see Gingko leaves all over the ground, covering it completely in yellow… a symbol of the changing season in Rikuzentakata.

映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


映画プロジェクト/This Place この場所(気仙エリア全域)


ハイメ・ヘスース・C・パセナ2世 Jaime Jesus C. Pacena Ⅱ

Jaime Jesus C. Pacena Ⅱ

フィリピンのマルチメディアアーティスト、キュレーター。インディペンデントテクニカルアーティスト援助グループであるBliss Market Laboratory(BMLab)の創設者、クリエイティブ・ディレクター。広告業界と音楽界で映像ディレクターとして、また、フィリピンのアート、文学、文化、その環境を促進するNPO団体、CANVAS.PHのキュレーターを務める。陸前高田AIRには過去2度参加し(2013年16年)、2018年からは、マニラのBM Labと陸前高田AIRとの共同のプロジェクト「DISPLACED: Manila-Rikuzentakata Collaborative Art Project」のディレクションを行う。

Multimedia artist, educator and curator in the Philippines. He is the founder and creative director of an independent technical and artistic support group called Bliss Market Laboratory (BMLab). He is active as a video director for the advertising and the music industry in the Philippines and a mentor to multimedia arts students in an industry based learning program and collaborative practice in Manila. He is also active as the in-house Curator for CANVAS.PH, a Non Profitable Organization that promotes Filipino Art, Literature, Culture and the Environment.
He attended the Rikuzentakata Artist-in-Residence program (RTAIR) twice in 2013 and 2016. From 2018, He’s directed “DISPLACED: Manila-Rikuzentakata Collaborative Art Project”.